Movimiento de
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Kinesiology and Accupuncture, KALM Massage, Nutrition, Holistic health: body, mind, energy and spirit, Trainer of “KALM health”, KALM Design.
Kinesiologist, acupuncturist and reflexologist. I have worked as an integrated health practitioner for 27 years, combining food, natural medicine, mental reframing work and physical treatment in order to change focus, habits, and excuses to a currency of insight, ability and new responsibility. My deepest interrest is to help people with health issues or existential challenges to understand how they are the key to their own recovery and healing. I am ever curious and a constant student of life and the diverse expressions of life. The transformation of energy and KALM is what drives me to always seek the fastest, easiest and most efficient way to bring order and organization to energy astray. I work with people with all kind of diagnosis. E.g. allergies, infections, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, joint issues (different kinds of rheumatisms) fibromyalgia, cronic fatigue disorder, migraines and headaches, hormonal imbalances, hyper-hypogycemia, skin eruptions and eczema, digestion issues, reoccurring infections, sleep disorders. anxiety, stress, low self-esteem and many more.
I do not work with psychiatric diagnosis.
Medicina Tradicional China
Kinesiología y Acupuntura, Masaje KALM, Alimentación, Salud holística: cuerpo, mente, energía y espíritu, Formadora de “Salud holística y el movimiento Cuerpo-Templo”, Diseño KALM.